Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Toon updates... hoooooo!

Wow, it's been a helluva while since I had anything to say.

I'm not even entirely sure right now that I have much worth blogging about. But... I'm going to do it anyway, because I can.

I guess first of note... I managed to get my 2nd level 80 toon this December! She's another moonkin - Raynn, on the Kirin Tor server. The sole purpose of this toon was actually to play on the same server as my long-time closest friend, who in fact got me interested in the World of Warcraft in the first place!

I server transferred and then faction-changed my second (horde) druid over, so that we could spend some time playing together again, as I'd missed her company. Unfortunately she happened to get promoted in her guild to main 25m raider right after I hit 80... so rather than get to play with her, we occasionally get to chat while she does 25m content and I work on 10m content. Heh. But, it's worth it, because after 12 years (we met my freshman year in high school!), what wouldn't I do for that crazy blond? Haha.

On a less personal note... I also managed to scrounge up a THIRD 80...! My little baby huntard Rinoak. And she is a huntard indeed! I admit, I knew absolutely nothing about hunters, up to and including the point where I hit 80 on her. I would cast hunter's mark, my fancy schmancy macro would send in my faithful and loyal cat, Cow, at the target, and I'd basically play whack-a-mole with my shot cooldowns!

I've not gotten much better, but at least I've begun to learn a little about the rotations and things, and I've managed to reach the hit-cap. Heh! Thanks for all your help, Tunac! That said though, I still vastly prefer my moonkin. There's really nothing I like more than hopping onto Syri and seeing 20k crits popping up on my Mik's Scrolling Battle Text.

Not a lot else going on in the toon department, really... However, seeing as this has become an update about all that, I guess I'll continue in that vein.

I've also been working on a few other toons. My paladin, Irael, has reached level 70, and recently got herself a dual spec as Holy. I had an awful lot of fun doing nothing but healing in a couple AV's last night, and managed to do fairly well all told, despite her grand total of something like 400 spellpower! Then again, I guess when you're the ONLY one on your side doing much healing... any healing will look good! Hah!

My mage, Jori, has also hit 71... I think she's probably one of the few alts I actually enjoy playing. Probably because she reminds me so much of my moonkin.

My little priestess Caele, and my warlock Xalia both hover around 60, where they stalled out, as did my Rogue Siun, who has been relegated to packrat and alt-bank status. I never did like melee much! However, I did recently start a Warrior, who has reached level 43. I'm working on picking up a couple of pieces for her before I try my hand at Tanking in order to level her. May Elune have mercy on her group's souls, because I haven't tanked a damn thing before in my life!

I guess that's it really on the Character update front... not particularly interesting, but hey, it's what I've been up to in between raiding and making moonkins or painting boxes! :)

And I think I'm going to go ahead and leave it there for now. Until next time!

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