Saturday, March 7, 2009

Syrilrian the Undying

I know it's been awhile since I posted last... it's been a hectic few weeks!

As many of you may have heard in this announcement, "When 3.1 goes live, the rewards for “Glory of the Raider” and “Heroic: Glory of the Raider” are being removed." Being an avid achievement (and game mount) whore, you can imagine that this caused some gritted teeth on my part, and some flailing on the parts of several of my like-minded guildmates. We have accepted the fact that The Immortal is likely out of reach of the skill level of our raiders, but we figured Undying (and the plauged proto drake!) were plausible.

So a few of our guildmembers began putting together a 'custom' group to try to get a few of the achievements, and both Ballian and I were invited. Last night, we decided to head into Naxx in an 8-man group to try to get The Dedicated Few out of the way. We ended up walking out with Undying as well. WAHOOOOO!

None of us expected it... and it wasn't until Sapphiron that we realized we'd yet to have a single death. As you can imagine, the entire 8 man group was shaking like a leaf at the end of Kel'Thuzad. But we did it! I am so proud of these guys!

And to boot, we managed to break several of our "time" records on several of the bosses... even 1 healer and 1 dps short. *shock* How cool is that?!

For those interested, the group makeup was:

Prot Pally
Resto Shaman
Ret Pally (who then went holy for Sapph and KT)
Elemental Shaman
Arms Warrior
Survival Hunter
Shadow Priest

Was an awesome night. Hopefully next week we'll work on Sartharion +3 drakes and/or <6m Maly. *crosses fingers for good luck!*

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