Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Beta Omicron Omega Mu - ϐOΩM!

Hello all, and welcome to my World of Warcraft blog. Yup... another one of those. Hah!

I've always wanted to create a blog about this game that I love so much; and so here it is. This blog will mostly be my thoughts about the game in general, my characters, my guild, and my experiences while playing.

To start with, I guess I'd better get the standard stuff out of the way first!


Syrilrian - L80 Nelf Moonkin; she is my main toon, and the one I play on almost daily. She is on the Emerald Dream server. I'll probably tell you more about her later.

Rinoak - L73 Nelf Huntard; yes, I said it. Huntard. Rin was the second character I created when I started World of Warcraft three years ago. Until recently, she was on Emerald Dream, but is being transfered to Kirin Tor to play with one of my very closest friends.

Xalia - L41 Gnome Warlock; I always loved gnomes, and was absolutely crushed when I realized I would not be able to create a Gnome Druid (curse you, Blizzard!). I began leveling her along with the dwarf paladin Xaliana during the Refer a Friend bonus period I had, due to my desire to obtain a Zhevra Mount.

Jori - L34 Gnome Mage; created her a few years ago when I got tired of listening to how badly people thought caster druids sucked. I still play her now and again.

Adaire - L41 Nelf Druid; yeah, another one. What can I say.... I love druids!! This'un's feral, though. And I am completely lost whenever I play her. I always feel I should get up on my 'back paws' and start shooting balls of green energy from my claws! Hah!

Dæz - L62 Nelf Death Knight; I followed the craze. Just had to create one when wrath came out! I don't play her much, however... Mostly because I am dissatisfied with the name. Someone else got the name Daez (grrr) and well, I couldn't think of anything else. That and the fact that I've always been more of a ranged player.

That about sums it up for my toons over level 20. I have a few other random alts spread throughout many servers. Ok, I lied... it's more than a few. I have something like 40. However, very few of them ever made it past 20 for one reason or another. All but Rin currently reside on Emerald Dream with Syri.

Additionally, all but one toon are happy members of the not-so-hard-core raiding guild, Legion. Probably the best group of folk (barring a few exceptions, of course!) that I have ever had the pleasure of spending my e-time with. I am currently one of two guild 'officers,' and am generally "in charge" of the DPS portion of the guild. Poor bastards.. they're screwed! Hah!

Anywho, I suppose that's enough for my first post; the Finger-Lickin' Crit Chicken is at your service, and ϐOΩM is born!

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